ATR42 Albany
- Burlington - Hartford - Newark -
Philadelphia Continental
Express operates a fleet of close to 200 aircraft on more than 1000 daily
flights to more than 100 destinations from the Continental hubs of Cleveland, Houston Intercontinental and Newark.
program features the Atr42 and focuses on the New
York hub at Newark International Airport in New Jersey
with flights to Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania and
Besides the many interesting views during the various takeoffs and landings as
well as the scenery in flight we get a detailed look at the aircraft, inside and
out compliments of Captain Mc Knight, a training Captain on the Atr. A/C | REG | FLIGHT | ROUTE | TIME | DESTINATIONS | ATR42-300 | N14822 | CO
2938 CO 2949 | EWR-BTV BTV-EWR | 1h05 1h20 | EWR
Newark, USA BTV = Burlington, USA | ATR42-300 | N14821 | CO
3328 CO 3333 | EWR-BDL BDL-EWR | 0h32 0h43 | EWR
Newark, USA BDL = Hartford/Bradley,
USA | ATR42-300 | N99838 | CO
3390 CO 3405 | EWR-ALB ALB-EWR | 0h42 0h53 | EWR
Newark, USA ALB = Albany, USA | ATR42-300 | N14828 | CO
3575 CO 3574 | EWR-PHL PHL-EWR | 0h33 0h23 | EWR
Newark, USA PHL = Philadelphia, USA | . |