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Finally, after many hours of development time, vstudios brings you the PT Stearman Vol 2. With 2 NEW
variants, Pontoon and AG, your sure to have lots of fun flying in the 12 new beautifully created paint
schemes. Introduction
With great success on launching the PT Stearman Vol I, we now bring you the PT Stearman Vol 2. The 2nd
instalment brings you f2Œ new aircraft to throw around the skies. Whether your a water or land-lover, both new
variants will be a joy to fly.
With new effects and the ability to release your payload youfll certainly be keeping a close eye on your VSI
gauge whilst hovering over the fields.
A note of warning though, with your tanks at maximum weight . youfll notice that the aircraft feels very
sluggish and extra care is needed when buzzing the fields. However, as your tanks start to run dry the
beautifully created flight dynamics brings the PT Stearman back to life as one would expect from this
historical aircraft. Noteworthy Features - 2 x models included, Pontoon and Agricultural variants
- Both variants boast a 3d Prop.
- 3D lights for the ultimate realism.
- Both models come with Hi-Def textures and also 2048 textures sizes.
- Designed and built by the book.
- Comes complete with a comprehensive PDF manual (printed for the retail box version).
- DirectX 10 compatible models complete with virtual cockpit self-shadowing.
- Systems and Tru3D gauges for ultimate realism taken beyond whatfs available by default.
- Tru3D Instrumentation for the ultimate smooth flying experience.
- Customised high-resolution materials give the most realistic appearance to the aeroplane, whilst being
optimised for great performance!
- A total of 12 paint schemes included.
- Volumetric Cockpit Spot Light
- Fuel delivery system simulated.
- Fertilizer delivery system simulated.
- Fertilizer weight depletion simulated.
- Simple yet effective fertilizer refill option via a popup window.
- Sound Design by Sonic Solutions featuring interior and exterior start, shut-down, wheel roll, randomizing
crashes, splashes, tire touches, interior and exterior wind that makes you feel youfre out there. All audio is
16 bit/48k mastered for maximum dynamic range and quality.
- Exciting new custom-made effects.
- In-game reference and check lists
- A paint kit to easily re-create your own paint schemes
- Raise / Lower pilot and passengers visor
- Show / Hide Passenger
- Show / Hide Pilot when aircraft is shut
For FSX. |