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Virtual Fly - Solo Flight Panel w/ Stand
Virtual Fly - Solo Flight Panel w/ Stand
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The SOLO FLIGHT PANEL is a highly innovative Instrument Flight Panel. It is a solid Console made for manual VFR & IFR flight creating a very immersive feeling of freedom and an ultra-realistic flight experience

It does not include Yoke, Throttle and Rudder Controls

Plug - and - Fly
It's that simple and easy with the Plug and Fly system, the SOLO Flight Panel does not require computer skills or program development tasks from you, you only need the authentic desire to embark on the best flight experience. You connect it to your computer and… you are ready to fly!

With the SOLO Flight Panel you can fly 6 different aircrafts with the most recognized flight software in the market: Microsoft Flight Simulator FS2004 and Microsoft Flight Simulator X. The SOLO Flight Panel adapts to your necessities from the first moment.

The SOLO Flight Panel is prepared for you to easily configure the cockpit indicators of 6 different modes: C172, C182, Mooney M20J and 3 different generic setups displaying 3 IAS with limits of 200, 400 and 600 KIAS and without color range scales in temperatures, pressure or RPMs. The SOLO Flight Panel combines Commercial, General and Sport aviation as it adapts itself to any aircraft, even more it allows changing the instrumentation setup in full flight.

Maximum realism With the SOLO Flight Panel you can directly interact on indicators and switches without using the mouse.

Technical specifications
  • IAS
  • Attitude
  • Altimeter
  • VOR1 / RMI
  • Turn Coordinator
  • Gyro / HSI
  • Vertical Speed
  • VOR 2
  • Manifold / Fuel flow
  • Fuel L & R
  • EGT / CHT
  • RPM
  • ADF
  • Vertical Trim / Rudder Trim / Flaps Position
  • OAT / Clock
  • Oil Pressure & Temperature
  • VAC / Amps
  • BIP
  • Autopilot
  • Comm1 / Nav1
  • Comm2 / Nav 2
  • DME
  • ADF
  • Transpondedor
  • Master avionics switch
  • 5 position ignition selector (OFF, R,L,BOTH,START)
  • Fuel pump
  • Lights panel
  • Landing gear
  • Currently UE warranty legislation
  • Maintenance, upgrades and software incidence resolution through remote control access to SOLO Flight Panel by TeamViewer internet connection
  1. COMPUTER INSIDE The SOLO Flight Panel includes a computer inside in order to increase the realism and satisfaction of your experience as:
    • It does not consume resources from the computer where you have FS2004 or FSX installed
    • It generates a higher resolution and fluidity of graphics on the indicators and better frames per second ratio on the Microsoft Flight Simulator experience
    • It allows direct connection through Internet between your Solo Flight Panel and the manufacturer in case you need technical assistance

    The SOLO Flight Panel is ideal for any flight center. Embark on a new and more innovating concept of flight school by connecting with your largest potential client group: The Virtual Pilot Community

    Its intuitive and realistic design as well as its easy and simple adaptation makes this flight panel a unique option in the market. In addition, the SOLO Flight Panel is made with strong components, as iron and aluminum, for a long lasting durability
  • Computer with Microsoft Flight Simulator installed, suitable for versions FS2004 (9) and FSX (10)
  • Socket Point 110-230 vac, 50 - 60 Hz
  • WideFS installed on the main computer ( This driver easily downloadable makes communication possible between Mircosoft Flight Simulator software and SOLO Flight Panel
  • Conventional data network port RJ45 (LAN), standard on most computers, which connects the SOLO Flight Panel with the computer where you installed the FSX or FS2004

*Note, ships from Spain. Special order item..

Product Tags: Advanced | Hardware |
This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 15 January, 2013.
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