The Airbus A320 family is one of the most successful families of aircraft ever designed. Being the first mass produced aircraft that combined fly-by-wire avionics and lightweight composite materials it revolutionized air travel by bringing down the cost of flights. They also made Airbus one of the biggest aircraft manufacturers in the world.
The Airbus X Extended builds on the successful Airbus X product released in 2010 by Aerosoft. This new version includes far more complex and realistic navigation tools and a rewritten fly by wire implementation. Every stage of the flight can now be realistically simulated in FSX and Prepar3D. It's the logical step for people who want to explore more complex systems.
*Special Upgrade Offer! If you already purchased the Airbus X from FSPilotShop, please log in (using the same email address/account as your previous purchase) and use promotional code abxupgrade during checkout to save $23 on the new Extended version!For FSX.
Aerosoft - Airbus X Extended Edition Boxed
@ $45.99