The airfield at Sion is one the most scenic and aeronautic challenges in
Europe! This airfield, situated in the middle of Wallis distinguishes itself by
its realism and optimal integration into the "Switzerland Professional X"
photorealistic scenery.
With a large amount of features - diverse small
aircraft, impressive night texturing, AI traffic,
frequency-controlled approach- and taxiway lighting -
and a well equipped military airfield earn the highest
marks for Sion. VFR-pilots will find all distinctive
visual references such as petrol stations, the hospital
in Sion and the castles of Valere und Tourbillon. The
printable A4 approach charts will help you on the steep
IGS and subsequent VFR approach to runway 25. The
castles are breathtaking but it's beaten by the
fantastic firework display in Tourbillon which takes
place on the Swiss national holiday and New Year's Eve!
Highlights: - Highly detailed airfield scenery of SION optimized for FSX
- Static objects such as cars, various different military vehicles, PC-6
Porter and PC-7 as well as Hunter display
- Sion hospital with helicopter landing site
- High-voltage power line and railway tracks in 3D
- Very detailed civilian and military areas
- Adapted AI traffic
- Night lighting also for both castles
- VFR reference points such as petrol stations and Valère and Tourbillon
- Optimal integrated in Switzerland Professional X
- ILS-capable ( IGS Rwy25 )
- Printable approach charts
- Large firework display at Tourbillon castle on Swiss national holiday on
1st Aug. and new year's eve
- Approach and taxiway lighting frequency-controlled from Sion-Tower or
- Animated military bunkers
- Safety nets are placed at the end of the active runway
For FSX. |