FSX Gold Edition / CH Pedals and Yoke
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FSX Gold Edition / CH Pedals and Yoke
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You get all of these great products in one great package at a great price, save over $50 off the suggested retail price! You will receive The Microsoft Flight Simulator X Gold Edition DVD including FSX Deluxe and the Acceleration Expansion Pack, CH ProPedals, and CH Flight Sim Yoke!



Microsoft FSX Deluxe Edition



Flight Simulator X is the culmination of nearly 25 years of the landmark Flight Simulator franchise and the most significant addition to date. The 10th addition to the highly successful Flight Simulator franchise, this newest addition will immerse players in a beautifully rich and realistic world, offering a completely new and innovative gaming experience with dozens of new aircraft to choose from, including the AirCreation 582SL Ultralight and Maule M7-260C Orion with wheels and skis. Gamers of all ages, types and skill levels will experience firsthand what it is like to be an aviator traveling the globe either alone or online with others.

CH Flight Sim Yoke USB

The CH Flight Sim Yoke USB gives you a flight yoke that's as close as you can get to the real thing without spending the many hundreds of dollars that you would on high end yokes.

20 function buttons on your yoke support such functions as "electric" trim,views, gear, flaps and more!

CH ProPedals USB

CH ProPedals USB also feature smooth gliding motion for precision rudder control input. With your feet sitting on a set of CH ProPedals you'll be able to master crosswind landings, make properly balanced turns and control your aircraft during taxiing, the way it is done in real life with your rudder pedals.


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This product was added to our catalog on Thursday August 24, 2006.
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