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Virtualcol - E-Jets Embraer Virtual v2
[VCO-170]   Earn 38 Rewards Points
For FS2004 and For FSX.
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Virtualcol - E-Jets Embraer Virtual v2
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FSX Certified

Virtualcol is proud to present the first high quality work of airplanes for FS2004 and FSX!

E-Jets Virtual is a commitment to excellence and quality, offering users a single package that includes the most popular models made by the Brazilian company EMBRAER, the 170, 175, 190 and 195 and the new LINEAGE 1000. It includes detailed outer models and also offers a virtual passenger cabin, an excellent virtual cockpit, it even includes the textures of 11 airlines using the popular jets.


  • 53 repaints of the all airlines around of the world.
  • Animation of ground service activating the Wingfold command in your FS2004 or FSX.
  • For FSX users, all models are compatibles with jetways and cargo service.

Previous customers of version 1.0 can upgrade for free. Contact Virtualcol for instructions.


The computer where this product is installed MUST! be connected to the internet for registration.

Animations and manual are in English and Spanish. NOT compatible with DirectX 10.

File size : 118 Mb

Virtualcol tiene el orgullo de presentar su primer trabajo de aviones para Flight simulator de alta calidad: E-Jets Virtual es un compromiso con la excelencia y la calidad, ofreciendo a los usuarios en un solo paquete los modelos fabricados por la empresa Brasilena: EMBRAER 170, 175, 190 y 195. No solo incluye 4 excelentes y detallados modelos exteriores, también ofrece cabina interior, cabina virtual, animaciones y un excelente panel con manual en Ingles y espanol, ademas del texturizado de 11 aerolineas.

For FS2004 and For FSX.

Product Tags: Commercial Aircraft | Download | Flight Simulator 2004 | Flight Simulator X |
This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 29 October, 2008.
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Virtualcol - E-Jets Embraer Virtual v2
The textures in some places were very dissapointing, but the ..
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