Abacus - CoPilot Pro
[ABA-230]   Earn 60 Rewards Points
For FS2004 and For FSX.

Product comes on CD in retail box.
Abacus - CoPilot Pro
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FSX Certified

For many years, CoPilot has earned an incredible worldwide reputation as one of the bestselling flight sim add-on. A simple point-and-click flight planning, excellent GPS navigation, detailed printed flight maps, instrument approach plates and airport charts are all features that users have asked for in this all-around first choice. CoPilot delivers even more features:

GPS - Use this versatile instrument to navigate to any of the 20,000 + airports that are part of FSX and FS2004.

Intersections - Thousands of intersections now available for your flight plans including European fixes

AutoPilot Lock - Automatically connects CoPilot's GPS to the AutoPilot for effortless navigation.

Additional Maps - Even more maps to cover virtually the whole world more of the world. You can download regional maps to customize your setup for FSX or FS200

CoPilot Setup - Simple CoPilot installation, two-click GPS installation in any aircraft, flexible scenery setup. Can be customized no matter how much third party scenery you add to your Flight Simulator system.

Point and Click Flight Planning

Copilot automates your planning. Use point and click to choose your destination. CoPilot finds the waypoints, specifies compass headings, calculates the distances. It's also ready to be used with CoPilot's new GPS instrument.

Printed Maps, Charts and Approach Plates

Would you like your own personalized "Airman's Guide"? You can print your own fully detailed charts with CoPilot.

CoPilot prints your entire flight plan and aeronautical maps for your reference. For arrival CoPilot prints full-page airport diagrams.

And for flying in the clouds or in bad weather, CoPilot prints the instrument approach plates and other pertinent airport data including glide slopes and ILS frequencies.

Airport Diagrams

With CoPilot, you'll know ahead of time how your destination airport is laid out. No longer will you have to guess about the orientation of the runways.

After all, a missed approach burns up expensive fuel. You might rather buy another bottle of Napa Valley Cabernet with this money.

CoPilot lets you publish your own personalized "Airport Guide" customized for your Flight Simulator setup and scenery add-ons.

Instrument Approach Plates

For making those ILS landings, you'll want to have all of the approach information ahead of time - before you have to use it. CoPilot print high quality instrument approach plates for any ILS approach in your scenery files - complete with glide slope, frequencies and more.

GPS and Moving Map

CoPilot also features a Global Positioning System (GPS) instrument. The GPS receiver "talks" to Flight Simulator and lets you navigate effortlessly no matter where you want to fly. Simply select the destination and the GPS tells you how to get there! Think of it - no more cumbersome VOR frequencies to dial in and no more OBS settings to worry about. What's more is that your CoPilot flight plans are ready-to-use with the GPS. The GPS received also drives the moving map so you can see your track and position.

The GPS is fully compatible with just about any 3D Video cards - even those that run in full-screen only mode.

The GPS is completely resizable and movable and can be tucked into a small corner of your instrument panel.

CoPilot lets you use the airports and navaids from all of your add-on sceneries so you never have to update a separate database.

The GPS connects to your aircraft's Autopilot. Clicking on the Autopilot on/off switch automatically sets the heading for any aircraft that uses the autopilot.

You'd like to create flights using any of the thousands of standard fixes and intersections - see below. The fixes are grouped - Enroute Low Altitude, Enroute High Altitude, IAP and "Others". You can display the corresponding radials as shown below.

For FS2004 and For FSX.

Product Tags: Boxed | Flight Simulator X | Utilities |
This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday February 06, 2007.
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