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A 120 meters heavy tug with animated parts. This model has virtual cockpit
with panel, gauges and switches in full 3D.
The boat has full interior - as virtual cockpit - with furniture and marine
equipment. (see documentation)
In this version you can land on the helipad and rescue platform.
Total dimensions: (L,W,H m.) --------------------- 120 , 25 , 39
Draft: --------------------------------------------------- 8 m.
Deadweight: ------------------------------------------- 8700 ton
Fuel: ---------------------------------------------------- 2300 cubic m.
Moving parts: ----------------------------------------- rudder, throttle,
gauges, switches, doors, hangar doors, hold doors, bow doors,
blind doors, flags, windshield wipers, radars, air condition, crew
Controlled: -------------------------------------------- wipers, speed, reverse
engine, turns, lights, air condition, anchor drop, all doors
Panel: -------------------------------------------------- virtual cockpits -
full 3D: gauges, switches, instruments, crew
Engine: ------------------------------------------------ 2 x 2024 kW
Speed max: ------------------------------------------ 14.5 Knots
Equipment: ------------------------------------------- full exterior equipment
and full helm interior - equipment
Starter: ------------------------------------------------ 2x one touch switch
Helipad ------------------------------------------------ landable
Model: ------------------------------------------------- 3 models in two
variants - default and lite. (six vessels)
Documentation: ------------------------------------ included For FSX For FSX. |