You are buying a Rocket car similar to the Thrust SST.
Included is a high end panel with large textures for awesome quality. Top speed
763 MPH. The Thrust SSC achieved the world's first Supersonic Land
Speed Record. Averaged Mach 1.02 on both runs within one hour on Oct 15 1997. _______________________________________ ANIMATION: SPOILERS = Parachute Deployed! (A chute lever is included)
SMOKE SYS = Rocket Burn and Dust Cloud! (Switch is included)
CANOPY = Main Exit! (Switch is included)
RUDDER = 9 degrees Steering (Remember to set auto rudder to use twist on a
joystick or just use rudder pedals) TIP: Toe brakes help to keep a straight line. Slowly increase
your N1 Thrust for control! Staying on the path takes practice. _______ NEW GAUGES: 2009 custom high quality gauges! Switches & levers: Slew, canopy, main battery, vacuum, rocket effect, power,
starters, fuel pumps, test switch, add fuel, abort, parachute, tank selectors,
park brake. Gauges: Mach, mph, N1, rpm, exhaust temp, clock, fire warning bulb,
digital clock, oxygen, hydraulics, fuel rate, front tank, center tank, battery,
amps. Warning LEDS: 15 total warning lights. (Failers do work as long as you set
them) For FSX. |